Systems and Infrastructure Status
Unplanned outage: No unplanned outages at this time.
Planned outage: No planned outages at this time.
*** Change in Shepherd’s Wi-Fi and Wired networks ***
If you were on-campus previous to the summer of 2024, the Registration network (wired and Wi-Fi) has been replaced by RamNet. SU Guest is still available.
If your devices were connected to Registration previously, the process to connect to RamNet should be easier but different. If you are new to the campus, or you replaced one of your previously connected devices, the process to connect to RamNet should be fairly easy to do.
We created a web page outlining what you need to do, along with some tips and helpful information. The instruction page is at RamNet and SU Guest Instructions
Important information for Zoom users
If you use Zoom, please click on this link to navigate to a page providing you with some very Important Zoom Update Information
IT Service Desk Hours
Starting Monday, January 13, 2025, the hours during the Spring semester will be:
Mondays – Fridays from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM
Closed Monday, 1/20/2025, as is the University, for the MLK, Jr. holiday
NOTE: If adverse weather and/or road conditions occur, these hours are subject to change.
To contact the IT Service Desk, you may reach us by:
- Phone: 304-876-5457 (Main Campus)
- Sending an email to create a work order at
NOTE: If you are reporting Wi-Fi connectivity problems, please look at this page first Wi-Fi Issues. - Going in-person to the IT Service Desk in the basement of the Library.
Recent News
Check back in the future for new problems or issues. Remember to always be vigilant when using technology resources.
IT Services has been informed some students have been receiving emails which are either SPAM or a PHISH attack. These emails may look enticing, as many revolve around job opportunities or free goods, but, please be aware that these emails, and others like them, often are not legitimate. Always use caution when viewing and processing email. Please take extra care whenever asked to access another ‘link’ or open any ‘attachments’.
Here is an educational resource pertaining to Social Engineering attacks and how to recognize them Social Engineering Red Flags
Here are some rules of thumb to identify red flags in determining a valid email:
- FROM: You don’t recognize the sender or sender’s address. This is an unexpected or unusual email with an embedded hyperlink or an attachment from someone that I have not communicated with recently.
- SUBJECT: Subject line is irrelevant and/or does not match the email content.
- TO: You were sent an email with others, but you do not recognize any of the other recipients.
- DATE/TIME: Was this email sent at an unusual time, like 3 am?
- CONTENT: Am I being asked to do ‘something’ to avoid a negative consequence or to gain something of value? Does the content have bad grammar or poor spelling?
- HYPERLINKS: When you hover your mouse over the hyperlink, does the site that it is directing you to match what is on the hyperlink or to another place?
- ATTACHMENTS: Also be suspicious. You don’t recognize the file type.
To better assist you in educating yourself about PHISHING, please access the Google PHISHING Quiz. This quiz is highly interactive and will provide key areas to help you determine what email is legitimate and what is not. The PHISHING Quiz can be accessed by going to:
If you are unsure if you have a malicious or legitimate email and would like assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk for assistance at 9-1-304-876-5457. You may also email us your issue to
Older phishing attacks and other important updates
Please check our News Archive
Tips for Student Email Problems
- Your Username for the email system is your full email address of
- Your student email password is synchronized with your Brightspace / Computer Account. The password you set works for all of them. The only account it does not work for is RAIL, which is a separate PIN.
- If you feel your password is not working, log into the RAIL system, click on Personal Information, click on Password Management and then click on Change Password. Change your password following the rules stated on the page. After changing your password, log out of RAIL and wait at least 10 minutes before trying your password. NOTE: This password change will not only change it for your email account, but also your Sakai login, logging into campus lab and classroom systems, and for validating / registering your personal devices for use on our network.
- For mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, you must enter your Brightspace / Computer account password into your device’s email app. If you do not, it will keep trying to use the previous invalid one.
- Also for mobile devices, you must change the server address in the email app settings. Most students have the server address as That server address is no longer valid. Please remove this server address and enter the new server address of
If you are still having problems, please contact the IT Service Desk. Their contact information is at the top of this page under About Us and Contacts.
Updated March 7, 2025