David O. Hoffman



Curriculum Vitae














Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education, Concentration in English (5-Adult), May 2006

����������� Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV

����������� G.P.A. 3.40


Graduate Coursework, Medieval Literature

����������� Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV

����������� G.P.A. 4.0


Educational/Professional Activities:

Teacher, Loudoun Valley High School, 2006-present

����������� 12th Grade World Literature/Advanced Composition

����������� 11th Grade Honors American Literature

����������� 11th Grade HULA (History Uniting with Literature in America)


Producer, Director: Joseph�s Doubt.Shepherd University, 2006

����������� Graduate Course Project, English 699: Teaching Medieval Drama


Teaching Assistant, Dr. Sylvia Shurbutt, Shepherd University, 2004-2006

            English 101: Written English I

            English 204: Survey of American Literature


Teaching Assistant, Dr. Patricia Dwyer, Shepherd University, 2004

            English 101/Political Science 101: Learning Community


Teaching Assistant, Dr. Linda Tate, Shepherd University, 2002-2003

English 204: Survey of American Literature


Writing Center Tutor, Shepherd University, 2002-2006

            Lead Tutor, 2004-2006


Professional Experience:

Student Director of Admissions, Shepherd University, 2002-2006


Conference Services Assistant, Shepherd University, 2004-2005

            Housing Manager, 2005


Assistant, Education Department Certification Analyst, Shepherd University, 2004


Junior High Washington Gateway Academy Counselor, Shepherd University, 2002-2004


Professional Organizations:

Appalachian Studies Association


National Council of Teachers of English



 �Crafting the �Living Voice�: Robert Morgan�s Verse and the Poetry of Roots and Place.�

            Online at: http://www.shepherd.edu/englweb/morgan/MorganEssay.htm. 2003.


�Interview with Fred Chappell.� Dave Hoffman and Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt, Sept. 2004. 

            Online at:  http://www.shepherd.edu/ahwirweb/chappell/chappellinterview.htm


�Interview with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.� Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt and David O. Hoffman.2007.

����������� Online at: http://www.shepherd.edu/ahwirweb/Gates/interview.htm


�Interview with Robert Morgan, 2003 Writer in Residence.�  June 20, 2003.

            Online at:  http://www.shepherd.edu/englweb/morgan/Interview.htm


�Interview with Terry Kay, Appalachian Heritage Writers Award Recipient.� Sylvia Bailey

����������� Shurbutt and David O. Hoffman.October 2006.Online at:

����������� http://www.shepherd.edu/ahwirweb/kay/kay_interview.htm


Conference Presentations:

�All Roads Lead Home: Storytelling and Place in the Poetry and Prose of Robert Morgan.� 

Twenty-Ninth Annual Appalachian Studies Conference, Dayton, Ohio, March 18, 2006.


Professional Presentations:

�Completing the College Application.�  First in Your Family.  Sept. 11, 2004 & Sept.10, 2005.


�Scholarship Essays and Applications:  A User�s Guide.� First in Your Family. Nov. 10 2005.


"What a Tangled Web We Weave: Building a Stronger Greek Community."  Nineteenth

Annual Shepherd University Leadership Conference.  Sept.10, 2005 & Sept. 8, 2007.


�Teaching Opportunities with Technology.� Shepherd University Capstone Presentation.

����������� 3 May 2006. Available http://webpages.shepherd.edu/dhoffm02.


�Incorporating Technology in the English Classroom.� Master Teacher Series.

����������� Shepherd University Education 421 Methods of Teaching English.Nov. 20, 2006.


�In the Trenches: Experiences in the English Language Arts Classroom.� Master Teacher

Series. Shepherd University Education 421 Methods of Teaching English.Dec. 5, 2006.


�Speaking from Experience: Tips from a First-Year Teacher.�Annual Shepherd Education

����������� Student Association Conference.March 31, 2006.


Professional Accomplishments:

Editing/Review Work:

The Desolating Hand by Lowell Gene Wise, Greenvue Press, 2006.


Literary Consultant, Greenvue Foundation, 2005-2006


Grants Received:

Co-author, WV Humanities Grants, Appalachian Writer in Residence, 2003, 2004, 2005,

            2006, 2007 (all grants range between $2000.00 and $4800.00)


Awards and Honors:

Appalachian Studies Association Conference Scholarship, 2006


Burkhart Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Spring 2006


Croatian Fraternal Union Scholarship, 2005, 2006


Dr. IO Ash Education Scholarship, 2004-2005


Educator of Distinction, National Society of High School Scholars, Spring 2007


Holcombe English Scholarship, 2004-2005


National Dean�s List, 2002, 2003, 2005


Oliver S. Ikenberry Award for Exemplary Human Service, Spring 2005


Phi Kappa Tau Spirit and Leadership Award, Spring 2005


Presidential Tuition Waiver, 2005-2006


Shepherd University Dean�s List, 2002-2006


Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 2006


Committees and Organizations:

Loudoun Valley High School and Loudoun County Public Schools

Diversity and Equity Team, 2006-present


Forensics Team Sponsor, 2006-present


Loudoun County English Software Review and Selection Committee, 2006


National Honor Society Co-sponsor, 2007-present


Shepherd University

Appalachian Heritage Writer in Residence Committee, 2003-present

Webmaster, 2003-2006

Online at http://www.shepherd.edu/ahwirweb

����������� Education and Cultural Resources Coordinator, 2007-present


Assessment Task Force on Student Learning, 2002-2004


Enrollment Management, 2004-2006


NAACP, 2003-2004

          ����������� Minority Recruitment, 2003-2004

Educational Chair, 2003-2004


Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, 2002-present

       National Committees and Positions:

Phi Kappa Tau Leadership Academy Intern, 2005

National Membership Orientation Committee, 2005-2007

National Educational Programs Strategic Planning Committee, 2006-2007

Undergraduate Inter-fraternal Institute (UIFI) Scholarship and Participant, 2004

������ Chapter Offices and Recognition:

President, 2004-2006

Recipient of Gregory Hollen Award for Outstanding President, 2004

Membership Orientation Officer, 2002-2003

          ����������� Philanthropy and Community Service, 2002-2003

          ����������� Student Government Association Senator, 2002-2003


Shepherd Education Student Association, 2001-2006

           Community Service Chair, 2002-2004

Treasurer, 2004

Student Government Association Senator, 2005


Student Ambassador Association, 2005-2006

           Founding President, 2005-2006


Teaching and Learning with Technology Roundtable, 2004-2006

           Co-Chair, Communications Subgroup, 2005