General Studies Committee Minutes
May 9, 2001
3:10-4:00 p.m., Knutti 203
Voting Members Present: Jerry Thomas (A&H, 2002), Mike Jacobs (PS, 2002), Dan DiLella (NS&M, 2002), Dow Benedict (A&H Div. Ch.), Sylvia Shurbutt, GSC Chair (C&I, 2002)
Voting Members Not Present: Vince Gonino (PS, Div. Ch.), Denis Woods (B&SS, 2002), Joseph Drew (B&SS, Div.Ch.), Don Henry (NS&M, Div. Ch.)
Non-voting Members Present: Larry Daily (Psychology), Jim Pantle (NCA Coord.), David Gordon (History)
Non-voting Members Not Present: Karen Austin (Community College Program Coord. for General Studies), Patricia Dwyer (Assessment Coord.)
I. Approval of April 11 Minutes as Amended: MSP
II. History GS Curriculum Proposals:
1) Course Addition: History of Civilization: Asian Traditions, HIST 100 (this proposed GS course is offered as another option for students to satisfy the history requirement)
2) Course Change: History of Civilization: Ancient through Medieval, HIST 101 (this course or HIST 100 can be taken to satisfy one of the total 6-hr. history requirement but not both, as there is some overlap in content)
3) Program Change: Students will take 6 hrs. of history, choosing from either HIST 100 or 101, HIST 102, HIST 103.
Dr. David Gordon spoke to the curriculum issue, explaining the new alternative history course and proposed program change. Concern from the GSC was expressed about communicating to advisors the HIST 100/HIST 101 choice option. The GSC thanked History for the curriculum innovation and strengthening the multicultural stands in the GS curriculum. MSP
III. Updating the GS Matrix and the Status of Multicultural Strands:
Since the last GSC meeting, department chairs who had not claimed the multicultural ISOs but who did have some diversity component in their GS courses were contacted. Dr. Hresan (Communications) reported that Communications had assigned a department member to work out the details for incorporating the strand into COMM 202, but they had not yet finished the project. Professor Smith (Art) indicated that ART 103 adjuncts were not universally teaching the Africa/Asia component in their GS course, but Art was in the process of preparing the slides and materials to universalize the diversity component in ART 103. Dr. Reid (Economics) noted that the Economics Department was in the process of standardizing the multicultural strand in ECON 123 and 205. Dr. Rhee (Political Science) indicated that his department was comfortable claiming ISO 2 under Goal 5, "Develop an understanding of various cultures and their interrelationships." Dr. Bischoff (Music) indicated that Music was comfortable claiming both ISOs under Goal 5. The GSC expressed their appreciation to Music and Political Science for claiming the diversity ISOs along with English, History, and Sociology.
Dr. Pantle shared with the GSC the revised GS matrix, which details departmental ownership of all GS Curriculum Goals and ISOs. The revision now includes Music and Political Science's ownership of the diversity goal and ISOs. A suggestion was made, for the sake of clarity, that the matrix detail some description of each goal and ISO. Dr. Pantle agreed to rearrange the matrix for that purpose.
Dr. Shurbutt shared with the committee Dr. Dwyer's memo asking for department chair information on closing the assessment loop (a one-page summary of program revisions based on assessment data over the last three years). She noted that chairs would be reporting GS curriculum changes as well. Several committee members questioned whether chairs understood that they were also to report on GS course program revision, noting their departments had discussed the issue with no mention of GS courses. Dr. Shurbutt said she would ask for clarification from Dr. Dwyer.
IV. New General Studies Brochure Revisited, "Tradition and Diversity in a Community of Learning":
Dr. Shurbutt presented the revision, draft # 2 of the new GS Brochure. Draft #2 specifically addresses concerns expressed in the April 11 GSC meeting and includes a curriculum summary. Committee members made several other suggestions for improvements, which will be reflected in the 3rd draft.
Dr. Jacobs questioned whether we could include a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) component in the brochure. There was discussion about the status of the WAC initiative adopted at Shepherd two years ago, and the consensus of the GSC was to make Writing Across the Curriculum a central issue for campus discussion next fall. At that time Professor Karen Austin will be able to offer the Committee guidance and resources.
The next GS Committee meeting will be September 12, 3:10-4:00 p.m., Knutti 203.
Dr. Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt, GSC Chair
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