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Program Requirements for Shepherd University History Majors

Each student selects from one of three concentrations:

Core Curriculum for ANY history concentration must include:

– Tier 2 Humanities Requirement – 1 Literature Course AND 12 credit hours in a Foreign Language

– Tier 2 Social Science Requirement – 1 Economics Course AND 1 Political Science Course

 Major Requirements for ANY history concentration must include:

 – HIST 150: REEL History (First Year Experience [FYEX], 1 credit course)

– HIST 250: Introduction to Historical Studies (this meets the Tier 2“writing in the major” requirement)

– Two of the following:

– HIST 201: US History to 1865   – HIST 202: US History Since 1865   – HIST 203: U.S. and the World

 The rest of the program requirements depend on the chosen concentration:

Historic Preservation and Public History Concentration (30 hours)

All HPPH majors take:

–       HIST 300: Historic Preservation & Interpretation

–       HIST 345: Introduction to Public History

–       HPPH 450: Internship

–       HIST 495: Capstone Seminar in History (Tier 3 requirement; includes work in HPPH 450 Internship)

– and select from one of the following two tracks-

 Track A: Historic Preservation Emphasis:

–       ANTH 370: American Architectural Heritage

–       HPPH 371: Documentation of Historic Properties

–       HPPH 372: Preservation Technology

–       One elective 300 or 400 level course in United States History

Two courses from among the following:

–     ANTH 225: Introduction to Museum Studies

–     HPPH 320: Battlefield Preservation

–     HPPH 321: American Decorative Arts

–     HPPH 325: Oral History

–     HPPH 330: Living History

–     ENVS 322:  Environmental History

–     ANTH 300: Introduction to Archaeology

–     ENVS 210: Introduction to Park Administration

–     ENVS 305: Environmental Law & Regulation

–     ENVS 306: Environmental Policy

–     ENVS 310: Park Management

–     ENVS 319: Land Use Planning

–     ENVS 320: Communication Strategies in Environmental Studies

–     ENVS 368: Geology of National Parks

–     ENVS 390: Geographic Information Systems

Track B: Public History Emphasis:

–       Two elective 300 or 400 level courses in United States History

–       One elective chosen from among 300 or 400 level History courses

Two courses from among the following:

–   ANTH 225: Intro to Museum Studies

–   HPPH 315: Introduction to Archives

–   HPPH 320: Battlefield Preservation

–   HPPH 321: American Decorative Arts

–   HPPH 325: Oral History

–   HPPH 330: Living History

–    HPPH 335: New Media & Digital History

–     ANTH 370: American Architectural Heritage

–     HIST 409: History and Memory

–     ENVS 322: Environmental History

–     ANTH 300: Introduction to Archaeology

One course from among the following:

–       HIST 304: Civil War & Reconstruction in America

–       HIST 305: History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley

–       HIST 309: West Virginia & the Appalachian Region

–       HIST 318: The United States in World War II

–       HIST 378: American Military History