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Shepherd Spotlight

                  A look at life as a Shepherd Ram through the eyes of current students. 

Grace Simmons ‘17

Hometown:Clifton, Virginia (Centreville High School)

Grace Simmons, a Psychology major from Clifton, Virginia, will be graduating from Shepherd in May. She transferred here her junior year from a small school in Connecticut. She is a member of the Women’s Volleyball team and heavily involved in Multicultural Leadership Team. Grace embodies the true spirit of what it’s like to be a Shepherd Ram. Here is what she had to say about her time at Shepherd.

Why did you choose Shepherd?

When I was visiting campus with my mom, I knew this was the place for me. I stepped on campus and thought this is literally everything I want. The town and close knit campus feel sold me on the school. It sounds cliché, but I felt like this was the right fit for me. Today, I call this place home.

What makes Shepherd unique?

The relationships with faculty. Before coming to Shepherd, I never thought you could have a relationship with a professor. Just the other day I was having a cup of coffee with the Dean of Students, who is also a Psychology professor. I am a senior currently working on my capstone and I never felt unprepared for this huge project because my professors have guided me every step of the way.

What words of advice would you give to students beginning at Shepherd?

College is what you make it. It’s important to experience new things and to get involved on campus.  I consider myself so lucky to be here. I honestly wouldn’t change anything about Shepherd.

How has attending an out of state school shaped you?

Going to school out of state has allowed me to grow as a person. I have what I need here and still have access to other larger cities. Virginia can be an information overload at times, and Shepherdstown has a feeling of simplicity; I love that I can look up and see the stars at night because there are not tons of buildings and lights around. I didn’t even know that was important to me until I got here.

What was your experience like at Shepherd after you had transferred from another school?

I was able to appreciate the little things here because I was so unhappy where I came from. College is such an important part of your life that you need to be happy. There is no reason to be unhappy where you are.

What was your favorite class?

Biological Psychology with Dr. Lovelace. It was so hands-on that we actually got to touch a human brain. The course was very challenging but I got a lot out of it. That class ranged from sophomores to seniors. It’s nice having students of all ages in my classes.

What is it like living on campus?

Living on campus is awesome; I have never wanted to move off campus. The RA’s are very nice and helpful if something were to ever come up. Some advantages to living on campus are that you get to know the people who live around you and it’s so convenient to not have to drive anywhere; you can just walk to the library or the dining hall.

Describe Shepherd in three words.

Friendly, perfect location (I know that’s two words!), and supportive.