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About Us and Contacts

Our main point of contact is the IT Services Desk

Email address:

Phone number:
304-876-5457 (Main Campus)

The IT Services Desk is in the basement of the Scarborough Library in the Learning Commons

Mondays – Fridays 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
After Hours please email


Greg Day
Acting CIO / CISO

Applications Support

Andy Raisovich
Manager, Application Support

Morgan Condon

IT Service Desk

Mary Valentine-Boutté
Manager, IT Services Desk

Richard Lanham
Information Systems & Instructional Technology, Support

Project Management Office (PMO)

Joanie Raisovich
Business Analyst

Brian Hammond
Administrative Analyst / IT Budget Officer

James Welsh
Information Systems Technician, Network/Telecomm

Systems and Networking

Jason Kerr
Manager, Sr. Network Administrator

Adam Paige
Information Systems Technician, Network