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Lifelong Learning program to host February 25 reception to preview spring courses

ISSUED: 3 February 2020
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Shepherd University’s Lifelong Learning program kicks off its spring semester March 16 with a series of classes, brown bag lunches, films, and tours that run through June 2. A course preview and reception to present this semester’s offerings are scheduled for Tuesday, February 25, at 5 p.m. in the Robert C. Byrd Center for Congressional History and Education lobby.

New this semester beginning February 12 is Walk-in Wednesdays at the Fine Art, Science, Technology, Engineering, Educational Resource (FASTEnER) Lab, giving participants the opportunity to explore the diverse offerings of the lab or focus on a specific area. Hands-on extended workshops include papermaking, metalworking, digital fabrication, MIG welding, lost wax casting, glass fusing, and woodworking.

New classes taught by field anthropologists that will focus on the ancient world include Reconnecting with Roman Rituals and Pleistocene American Indian Ceremonial Practices. Other history courses include the History of Medicine, Six Significant Union Strikes, Encounters with the Constitution, The Beginnings of American Higher Education, and Research Methodology for Writing a Historical Novel. There are also new ways to learn about history through film with Films of the Sixties and Civil War Medicine: Hollywood Version.

Lifelong Learning continues to offer election-year focused courses, including help with discussing election issues, examining rumor and misinformation propagation, an exploration of the kinds and sources of political power, and two seminar courses discussing foreign policy issues. Additionally, a course in current psychological insights attempts to explain political psychology.

Arts offerings include discussions of the Contemporary American Theater Festival (CATF) 30th season, operas of Wagner before “The Ring,” a comparison of Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” and “King Lear,” a discussion of selected short stories and poetry that focuses on the head and heart, and screen painting.

Science topics are included in courses that survey scientific trends in the 21st century, genetic advances in medicine, and exploration of how other languages help explain cultural differences. Returning classes include Jesus Before Christianity Part 2 and the Wild Writers Fiction retreat.

Self-improvement courses continue to be a part of the programming, with new and ongoing courses on creating a more fulfilling retirement, spirit strengthening and conditioning, the importance of movement to health, discovering West Virginia outdoors, and retirement financial and estate planning. Brown Bag lectures include a particularly diverse lineup of topics that range from Healthy Eating to Considering the Dao.

Lifelong Learning continues support of the President’s Lecture Series by coordinating three presentations on societal and science topics from leaders in their fields. Lectures include Credibility Assessment For Our Security: Technologies, Tests, and Research Tools by Dr. Robert “Greg” Cutlip, on Monday, February 17; Is History Relevant? by Dennis Frye on Tuesday, March 24; and Humans Origins and Adaptations by Dr. Stephen J. O’Brien, on Monday, April 20. All President’s Lectures are free and open to the public.

Day and overnight excursions offer a wide range of cultural and historical experiences along the Eastern Seaboard and beyond. Trips offered this semester include the Philadelphia Flower Show, Jamestown and Yorktown, Arlington National Cemetery and Arlington House, Kreeger Museum, Ghost Fleet of Mallows Bay Kayak tour, Chincoteague and Wallops Island, West Virginia Mine War tour, St. Michaels and Cambridge in Maryland, and West Virginia Ghost and Fall Foliage tours.

The Lifelong Learning program also facilitates national and international tours, including Old Quebec City in Canada, Black Hills/Badlands in South Dakota, Fall Colors of the Great Lakes, Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul, Reflections of Italy, South Africa Adventure, and Costa Rica.

Classroom/lab offerings consist of six-week courses, although there are some shorter and longer in duration and one-time Brown Bag Luncheon Lectures. Although some items are no-cost, attendance generally requires an annual membership fee starting at $85 per year plus class fees, which also includes discounts for Brown Bag Lectures and day excursions.

The Shepherd University Lifelong Learning Program is a volunteer, member-driven program dedicated to offering stimulating academic courses and activities to the community. For additional information and to register, visit or contact Karen Rice at or 304-876-5135.

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