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Appalachian Studies Minor The Appalachian Studies minor is an interdisciplinary minor that is designed to make students aware of the rich and varied traditions of and the cultural and environmental influences on the geographical area known as Appalachia. Students often attach the minor to degrees in history, English, Environmental Science, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Sociology, and other degrees with an associated connection with this geographic area. Curriculum for a Minor in Appalachian Studies
*While the required courses provide a diverse foundation for understanding the Appalachian region and culture, the electives will broaden students' knowledge-base and experiences. Students will work with the Coordinator of the Appalachian Studies Minor to select from the courses above an elective course of study that complements both their specific interests and majors, as well as courses that fulfill the interdisciplinary nature of the minor. Students can select no more than one elective course from any single discipline for the minor. Appalachian Studies Board is composed of six voting members: the coordinator, a student representative, and representative from each of the following areas: English, History, Environmental Science, and Recreation. Membership on the Board is for two years and can be renewed with the approval of the Coordinator and Department Chairs. The Board will approve curricular issues, special topics proposals, and student capstone projects. Appalachian Studies Coordinator: Dr. Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt, Department of English, 304-876-5207, sshurbut@shepherd.edu