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1-2-3s for Emergency Response

1. Gather the Facts

Are any of the following situations present on campus:

2. Contact Emergency Services

If any of the above situations are present or there is an imminent threat of one of these situations, contact the proper emergency services provider.

3. Inform Your Manager and Contact the Supervising Member of the Executive Staff

Contact your manager with the details of the situation and any steps taken in contacting the appropriate emergency services.

Managers are responsible for contacting the supervising member of the Executive Staff listed below.

If one of the emergency services defined above has been contacted or if it is unclear as to whether an immediate emergency exists, immediately contact the Executive Staff member directly responsible for the supervision of the University area.

President 304-876-5107
Provost 304-876-5176
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of Community Relations 304-876-5030
Facilities 304-876-5236
Vice President for Campus Services 304-876-5496
University General Counsel 304-876-5289
Vice President for Enrollment Management 304-876-5009
Vice President for Finance 304-876-5490

Above all else, ensure the immediate safety of yourself, your colleagues, and students, and do not take unnecessary risks in abating the crisis.