Dean of Students
The Dean of Students promotes positive student behavior and learning through the coordination of the University Student Conduct System, by supporting students through a Restorative Justice model, implementation and enforcement of the Student Handbook, and taking an active leadership role within the Division of Student Affairs. The Dean of Students additionally provides assistance in several key areas:
- The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is composed of several campus areas that have direct responsibility for student wellness, mental and physical health, academic success, emergency intervention and response, and policy education and enforcement, addressing a variety of incidents from access to basic needs to mild distress to high-level threats of violence.
- Emergency Notifications for students: Absentee Notifications for legitimate absences through Student Handbook policies and Handle with Care Requests for students who are experiencing significant stress due to a personal event.
- Student Life Council: SLC establishes campus-wide student life policies, provides for extracurricular programming, develops policies and procedures for the student conduct system, and sets standards for and the registering of student clubs and organizations in conjunction with the Student Government Association (SGA)