The Office of Accessibility Services at Shepherd University offers the following academic accommodations (including but not limited to):
- Accessible Classroom: This accommodation ensures an accessible classroom for the student. For example, if a student used a mobility aid, the classroom would be accessible by ramp/lift/elevator.
- Alternative Testing Format: This accommodation provides students with an alternative format for their tests. Example: no scantrons, typed responses.
- Assistive Technology: This accommodation provides students with technology to assist them in their classes. Example: access to a word processor, echo recording pens.
- Enlarged Print: This accommodation allows for students to be provided with larger print versions of class materials and submit assignments in larger print.
- Extended Test Taking Time: This accommodation provides students with additional time to take quizzes and exams. 1.5x or 2x is available on a case-by-case basis.
- Permission to Record Class Lectures: This accommodation allows students to record their lectures to be reviewed later. Students are still expected to take their own notes during class.
- Preferential Seating: This accommodation allows students preferential seating for their in-person classes.
- Priority Registration: This accommodation allows a student to register for classes early because of their disability.
- Reduced Distraction Environment for Testing: This accommodation provides students a quiet environment to take their tests, which can be done in the Accessibility Services Proctoring Office.
- Test Read Aloud: This accommodation provides students the opportunity to have their test be read aloud., which can be done in the Accessibility Services office.
- Use of a Calculator: This accommodation allows the student to use a four-function calculator on their exams.
Accommodation Request Form Supporting Documentation Guidelines