Participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony held April 11 were (l. to r.) Dr. Ann Wendle, dean of students; student veterans Jay Hamby, Brandon Fox, and Cody Munro; Deanna Robledo, president of the Shepherd University Student Veterans Organization; President Mary J.C. Hendrix; Major General Eric Vollmecke, guest lecturer for the Brigadier General Wayne “Speedy” Lloyd Lecture Series; Dr. Marcia Brand, chair of the Shepherd University Board of Governors; Mary Beth Myers, administrative assistant, veterans support services and Shepherd University Student Veterans Organization advisor; and Dr. Tom Segar, vice president for student affairs.
At the request of our student veterans who wished to have a more central location on campus, the Veterans Center was relocated to Gardiner Hall’s first floor lobby from its original location on Princess Street. The Veterans Center helps veterans who are transitioning from the military to civilian life as students and provides a location for veterans to meet, socialize, and study. The Veterans Center is a demonstration of Shepherd’s commitment to meeting the 5 Star Challenge, an initiative that encourages all of West Virginia’s two- and four-year institutions to adopt a set of standards to help veterans achieve an education. Support for equipping the Veterans Center came from the Shepherd University President’s Club and Norman and Jeanie Secrist.