Shepherd University was well represented at the annual Student Leadership Conference May 14-16 held at Jackson’s Mill. Four incoming Student Government Association (SGA) executive board members, two graduate students, one recent master’s graduate, and Dr. Tom Segar, vice president for student affairs, attended the conference, which is sponsored by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and Community and Technical College System.
Shepherd has coordinated the conference on behalf of West Virginia’s public four- and two-year institutions for the past 13 years. Segar has chaired the conference since 2011.
Participating in the state Student Leadership Conference were, front row (l. to r.), Madison Ronevich, political science major, Martinsburg, SGA secretary; Danielle Stephenson, political science major, Charles Town, SGA president; and Fadéla Belhaj, Master of Arts in college student development and administration (CSDA) graduate and conference coordinator, Casablanca, Morocco; back row, Adeline King, social work major, Dickerson, Maryland, SGA campus relations officer; Da’Shawn Long, CSDA student and conference intern, Winchester, Virginia; Dr. Tom Segar, vice president for student affairs; Alyssa Roush, biology major, Parkersburg, SGA treasurer; Traci Moyer, CSDA graduate student and conference intern, Auburn, Pennsylvania.