During the weeks of Academic Advisement, usually starting in October and March, students should access the Class Schedule and their DegreeWorks audit online from links at the top of Shepherd’s homepage and draft a semester schedule of classes. All degree-seeking students must meet with their Academic Advisor prior to registering for classes via RAIL. Students will secure a Term Personal Identification Number (PIN) and the date/time they are able to register from their advisor after a schedule of classes has been agreed upon.
Before the advising conference, students should build a detailed draft of classes, writing the course request number (CRN) , subject/course number, section, credit, and days/time for each course. During the advising conference, the advisor should check the student’s choices, discuss the student’s progress toward meeting all requirements of his/her degree, and perhaps suggest alternate choices when appropriate. After the advisor has approved the schedule of classes, the Term PIN and date/time of registration should be given to the student.