In order to hire student employees, the following steps must be completed by supervisors.
1. Determine how the position will be funded – Federal Work Study (FWS) or Regular (REG). If the position will be funded through Regular (departmental) funds, then a budget must be established for that purpose.
2. Create a position description in online HR System and submit it to Student HR for approval.
- If it is a new position, please follow the instructions on the website found here.
- To make changes to a current position, please follow the instructions to do a modification here.
- If the position does not require a modification, go to step 3.
3. Create a job posting from the position description and submit it to Student HR to be posted online which can be found here.
4. Review the applications that are submitted for the position can be found here.
- Select applicants for interviews and schedule the interviews.
- Select the applicant(s) to be hired.
5. Contact the applicant to be hired. Collect the information from them that is required for the hiring proposal using the New Student Employee Information Sheet found here. Do not have the student hand carry this form anywhere on campus, this is for supervisors to complete the Hiring Proposal Only.
6. Give the student the New Hire Employee Instructions found here and instruct them to go to the Student Employment Office to complete their required paperwork. The Student Employment Office is housed in the Human Resources Office at 120 North Princess Street.
7. Begin a Hiring Proposal in the HR System. Instructions are found here.
8. Receive an email message from “HRweb” saying that the hiring proposal has been approved. Contact the applicant to set a start date. Students are not allowed to begin working until supervisors have received approval from Student HR.
For the full Student Employment Manual, click here.