ISSUED: 1 April 2015
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Audiences can get a preview of the performances Shepherd University music students, faculty, and staff will present when they travel to Italy in May to participate in the Alba Music Festival. A fundraising concert is planned for Saturday, April 18, at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary of the Presbyterian Meeting House, 100 W. Washington St., Shepherdstown.
Kari Edge, music department head program assistant and preparatory division coordinator and a 2009 graduate of Shepherd’s music program will be the accompanist and collaborative pianist for the April 18 performance and for all performances throughout the Italian tour.
“This particular concert has a wonderful variety of instrumentation, solo and chamber ensemble works, and repertoire from more than 250 years of compositional output,” Edge said. “There truly will be something for everyone to enjoy.”
This will be Edge’s fifth overseas trip with Shepherd’s music department and it marks a return to Italy for her. She completed a summer study abroad program in Spoleto in 2012 with the Cincinnati Conservatory.
“I am excited to return to that beautiful country and to visit host families and friends I’ve not been able to see for several years,” Edge said.
Edge believes the trip will be an amazing experience for students who haven’t traveled abroad before.
“Without a doubt the lives of all the students are changed when they return from these trips,” Edge said. “You see it in their internationalization and knowledge of other cultures, their awareness of the outside world, their interest in a much larger repertoire of music, performers, and job opportunities within the field of music as well.”
The Northern Italian Medley Tour takes place May 19-28 and is open to students, music alumni, and music enthusiasts. The tour will include visits to Milan, Alba, Cinque Terre, Pisa, and Rome. It will also include a general audience with Pope Francis. Shepherd music students will participate as guest artists at the Alba Music Festival, which attracts more than 10,000 people each year according to the festival’s website.
The concert is free and open to the public, but donations will be accepted. All money raised will be divided equally among the students to assist with their travel expenses.
Edge said any amount donated is greatly appreciated, and those who cannot attend the recital but would still like to donate can do so by sending a check to: Shepherd University Department of Music, PO Box 5000 Shepherdstown, WV 25443, with “Italy Donation” in the memo line. All checks should be made payable to the Shepherd University Foundation. For more information, call 304-876-5237.
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