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Accounting Club

The purpose of the Accounting Club shall be to foster the study of accounting; to bind membership into closer friendship and loyalty to one another and to the high standards set forth for individual and the club, to uphold the interest of our alma mater, Shepherd University, and to further interest in civic and professional enterprise.

Outstanding Accounting Club Member

Presented to an outstanding senior; must be active member of club; must have minimum 3.0 in major and overall GPA; must be a graduate of the current calendar year; and be selected by majority vote of active members. The 2021 Outstanding Accounting Club Member Award is presented to: Shawn Himes.

Shawn has served as an active member in the Accounting Club since the fall of 2019. He is an accounting major who has served the club in the leadership roles of treasurer and vice president. He participates in club meetings and events and volunteers as the liaison between the club and SGA. Shawn exemplifies what it means to be an outstanding club member.