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More information is available at the Shepherd University Academic Affairs web site.

Older data, including data for the Community and Technical College of Shepherd / Blue Ridge Community and Technical College, are available on the Older Data page.

Latest additions and most current data

SU student Profile, Spring 2024 Shepherd University student profile, Spring 2024.

SU student demographics, Fall 2019 – Fall 2023 Shepherd University student demographics, Fall 2019 – Fall 2023.

SU student body diversity, Fall 2019 – Fall 2023 Student body diversity information, Fall 2019 – Fall 2023. This information is presented in compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA).

Enrollment History, Fall 2009 – Fall 2023 Headcount and FTE enrollments, Fall 2009 – Fall 2023.

Summer Enrollments, 2014-2023 Summer enrollments, 2014-2023.

Retention of Freshman Cohorts, Fall 2017 – Fall 2023 Retention of SU / SC freshman cohorts, Fall 2017 to Fall 2023. This information is presented in compliance with the the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), and Federal CFR Title 34, parts 668.41(a) and (d).

Completion / Graduation Rates, Disaggregated, Fall 2017 cohort Graduation rates of Fall 2017 degree-seeking, first-time, full-time-in-college undergraduates disaggregated by race / ethnicity, gender, and financial aid status. This information is presented in compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), and Federal CFR Title 34, parts 668.41(a)-(d), 45, and 8(b)(1(ii). Older cohorts:

Fall 2016 cohort
Fall 2014 cohort Fall 2015 cohort
Fall 2012 cohort Fall 2013 cohort
Fall 2010 cohort Fall 2011 cohort
Fall 2008 cohort Fall 2009 cohort
Fall 2006 cohort Fall 2007 cohort
Fall 2004 cohort Fall 2005 cohort
Fall 2002 cohort Fall 2003 cohort

Graduates by Major, 2013-2014 through 2022-2023 Graduates by major, 2013-2014 through 2022-2023.

Results of the West Virginia Survey of Graduating Seniors, 2014-2023 Results of this survey, 2014-2023.

Enrollment and graduation rates of student-athletes, AY 2022-23 and Fall 2017 cohort Information relating to athletic aid awarded for academic year 2022-23, and graduation rates of student-athletes receiving athletic aid and entering in Fall 2017. This information is presented here in compliance with Federal CFR Title 34, part 668.48. Older documents:

AY 2020-21, Fall 2015 cohort AY 2021-22, Fall 2016 cohort
AY 2018-19, Fall 2013 cohort AY 2019-20, Fall 2014 cohort
AY 2016-17, Fall 2011 cohort AY 2017-18, Fall 2012 cohort
AY 2014-15, Fall 2009 cohort AY 2015-16, Fall 2010 cohort
AY 2012-13, Fall 2007 cohort AY 2013-14, Fall 2008 cohort
AY 2010-11, Fall 2005 cohort AY 2011-12, Fall 2006 cohort
AY 2008-09, Fall 2003 cohort AY 2009-10, Fall 2004 cohort
AY 2006-07, Fall 2001 cohort AY 2007-08, Fall 2002 cohort

Student profiles by year and semester

Note: The CTC became a separate institution effective Fall 2005. Profiles before that time include information from both Shepherd College and the CTC of Shepherd. Profiles from Fall 2005 and later include information for Shepherd University only.

Profiles for semesters prior to Fall 2005 are available on the Older Data page.

Shepherd University:

2023-2024 Fall 2023 census Spring 2024 census
2022-2023 Fall 2022 census Spring 2023 census
2021-2022 Fall 2021 census Spring 2022 census
2020-2021 Fall 2020 census Spring 2021 census
2019-2020 Fall 2019 census Spring 2020 census
2018-2019 Fall 2018 census Spring 2019 census
2017-2018 Fall 2017 census Spring 2018 census
2016-2017 Fall 2016 census Spring 2017 census
2015-2016 Fall 2015 census Spring 2016 census
2014-2015 Fall 2014 census Spring 2015 census
2013-2014 Fall 2013 census Spring 2014 census
2012-2013 Fall 2012 census Spring 2013 census
2011-2012 Fall 2011 census Spring 2012 census
2010-2011 Fall 2010 census Spring 2011 census
2009-2010 Fall 2009 census Spring 2010 census
2008-2009 Fall 2008 census Spring 2009 census
2007-2008 Fall 2007 census Spring 2008 census
2006-2007 Fall 2006 census Spring 2007 census
2005-2006 Fall 2005 census Spring 2006 census