Community Members
Cynthia Fraula-Hahn
Scott’s music, his professionalism and kindness will be greatly missed. Who could ever imagine such a talented, vibrant young man could be taken from us. Rest In Peace, Scott.
Sylvia Wehr
Scott was incredibly multi-talented. A brilliant pianist and musician, a superb academician and with all of that, a remarkable chef with a flair for entertaining. He was a joy to be around and he will be so sorely missed. I am happy that I got to know him and his remarkable personality, energy, style and finesse.
Judith Moore
I first got to know Scott well about a year ago while we served as co-chairs on the Beautification Committee for the Fernbank Community in which we live. He had so much energy, so many ideas, so generous with his time. He willingly took on the heavy work of planting, weeding, and watering, while providing his baked goodies at work parties. He designed and implemented the 2020 Holiday Decorations and renewed our entrance plantings, all in the course of a single year. Such a positive and vibrant personality whose loss is so heartbreaking for our entire neighborhood.
Susan Zimmerman
I remember so well when Scott first came to Our Savior Lutheran Church as music director. He was such an amazing talent and genuinely nice person. He shared his many gifts with us and we enjoyed coming to some of his performances after he left for Shepherd. I will miss his upbeat posts on Facebook about the amazing meals he fixed, the Christmas decorating he did and even the gorgeously arranged refrigerator. I really can hardly believe he is gone. May God bring comfort to Alan and all of Scott’s family, close friends, and colleagues.
Suzen Ellis
My heart is broken. I really have no words to express the sadness I feel. All I have are incredible memories and pictures. The picture I attached is our beautiful trip to India with Alan and Carol. Scott was a “light” that was always shining and now he is shining above us. I love you Scott.
Dan Anderson
Wishing one and all a moment of peace.
Pat Donohoe
Dave and I knew Scott as a neighbor and the husband of our dear friend Alan. We wish we’d had more time with him. We loved his warm, caring grace and humor; his never-ending contributions to our neighborhood and community; his tremendous talent and intelligence; and his love of all things beautiful and kind