Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the process for students to receive accommodations?
A: Any student interested in accommodations must apply and provide supporting documentation to Accessibility Services. The application and documentation are reviewed and usually followed with interactive meetings and discussions about supports available.
Q: What are reasonable accommodations?
A: A reasonable accommodation is any adjustment that will enable a qualified student with a disability to participate in a course, program, facility, activity or service and includes adjustments to assure that a qualified individual with a disability has rights and privileges equal to students without disabilities.
Q: What is Accommodate?
A: Accommodate is the online platform Accessibility Services uses to manage student’s accommodations. More information on Accommodate for faculty can be found here!
Q: How will I be notified of a student’s accommodations?
A: Students must complete a semester request through Accommodate to notify their faculty of accommodations. Once that is completed, faculty will receive an email from stating that a student in their course has accommodations and that the letter requires their signature.
Q: Why do I need to sign student’s accommodation letters?
A: The signature on an accommodation letter verifies that faculty have read and received the student’s letter and know what their responsibilities are in the implementation of accommodations.
Q: What if a student requests accommodations, but I have not received an accommodation letter for the student?
A: First, ask the student if they have followed proper procedure by completing a semester request on Accommodate. If they have done so, and faculty have not received the letter on Accommodate, contact Accessibility Services. Faculty should not accept emailed PDF copies of letters from students.
Q: Can I discuss a student’s accommodations with another faculty for suggestions on working with the student?
A: No. Specific information pertaining to a student’s accommodations is confidential and cannot be shared without the student’s written consent. However, sharing general information about academic adjustments, classroom strategies, etc. can be discussed as long as the particular student’s identity is protected.
Q: I have a student who is struggling and may have a disability. What do I do?
A: For legal reasons, do not ask the student if they have a disability. You can remind, encourage, and suggest to students where Accessibility Services is located, and what services we provide. For various reasons, some students choose not to disclose their disability. You can always mention offices such as the Student Success Center and Academic Support Center as well.
Q: If a student receives accommodations near the end of the semester, should I let the student re-take tests or redo assignments they did poorly on?
A: No. Accommodations are not retroactive, meaning that they only apply from the date a student completes a semester request to notify their faculty. This is explained to students during the interactive accommodations process.
Q: What if I have questions or need assistance with accommodations?
A: Contact the Director of Accessibility Services with any questions or concerns you may have. Accessibility Services staff contact information can be found here.