Support Appalachian Studies
You can help us tell West Virginia’s story, the Appalachian story. Support our student programs: APST minor, Interdisciplinary Major, Graduate Certificate, and APST Masters Degree. Help us reach out to the community and to teachers to change perceptions and stereotypes about the region. The majority of our funding comes from your giving; YOU can make a difference with donations to:
- The Sue Stewart and Hansel Bailey Scholarship Fund;
- The Appalachian Studies Endowment, supporting programing, student and community activities, and curricular projects; and
- The Appalachian Studies General Fund, supporting students, programming, and travel projects.
If you prefer to send a check, you can find information on how to give by mail here.
Please make checks payable to Shepherd University Foundation and put the name of the program in the “other” line of the gift form designation.
For assistance, contact:
Meg Peterson