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DNP Course Descriptions


Nursing Courses and Course Descriptions

Course Name and Title
NURS 510: Healthcare Delivery Systems: Political Social, and Economic Influences (3 cr.) This theory course is designed to further develop the knowledge, skills, values, meaning, and experiences necessary for assuming a leadership role in health care delivery services. The focus is on an in-depth assessment of socially and culturally diverse populations. Students explore the physiological and psychological variants in health, which influence client outcomes. Content includes the analysis of common health disparities and the identification of evidence-based strategies to effect change. Health services delivery systems are analyzed for appropriateness in meeting the dynamic and ever-changing health profile of clients.
NURS 512: Theoretical Foundation in Nursing (3 cr.) This course focuses on evaluating the factors and issues influencing the development of theory in nursing. Theoretical terminology and criteria for the evaluation of theories are examined. Linkages applied between theory, practice, and research is explored.
NURS 513: Research Methods for Health Professionals (4 cr.) In this course, students learn to differentiate between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research methods as they relate to nursing and the health sciences. Students will assess the quality of quantitative and qualitative research approaches reported in the peer-reviewed literature, considering ethical considerations and theoretical underpinnings. Students will differentiate between various types of research strategies, examine ways to search for evidence effectively and efficiently, and propose an evidence-based strategy to solve a clinical problem. Co-requisite NURS 512.
NURS 518: Grant Writing (3 cr.) This course focuses on the formulation of a fundable project of study, identification of potential funding sources, and development of the elements in a proposal. Students will finalize a complete funding proposal, including problem statement, work plan, resource plan, evaluation methods, and budget. Pre-requisites NURS 510, NURS 512, and NURS 513.
NURS 538: Diagnostic Reasoning (3 cr.) This course is designed to further develop the advanced diagnostic reasoning skills and diagnostic and procedural medical coding necessary for advanced practice nurses through the use of case studies and simulation experiences. Pre-requisite NURS 540; Co-requisite NURS 541.
NURS 539: Genetics for the Healthcare Provider (2 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the clinical applications of genetics, providing the student with the most recent scientific knowledge as well as assisting them in applying this to their practice as an advanced practice nurse. Pre-requisites NURS 545, NURS 547, and NURS 549.
NURS 540: Advanced Health Assessment Throughout the Lifespan(4 cr.; includes 60 lab hours) This course focuses on refining and strengthening advanced health assessment and clinical judgments across the lifespan and provides a foundation for planning therapeutic interventions for well and ill patients. A problem-focused and comprehensive database is developed and communicated through oral, written, and practicum methods. This includes complete functional, spiritual and family assessment, health history, physical examination and appropriate laboratory and diagnostic data. Cultural and developmental variations of their patient will be emphasized. This course includes 60 hours of lab practicum. Pre-requisite NURS 510; Co-requisite NURS 510.
NURS 541: Advanced Pathophysiology (3 cr.) This course provides an advanced understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying human disease processes. The manifestation of pathophysiologic alterations will be analyzed in a systems approach as well as common diagnostic testing and pathologic processes. Pre-requisite NURS 540; Co-requisite NURS 540.
NURS 542: Advanced Pharmacology(3 cr.) This course focuses on the application of pharmacological agents (prescription and over the counter) used to treat acute and chronic health problems of vulnerable populations across the lifespan. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics principles and current research form the foundation for discussion of selected drug groups. Emphasis is given to indications, mechanisms of action, dosages, adverse side effects, cost containment, and patient education.   Pre-requisite: NURS 541. Co-requisite: NURS 541.  
NURS 545: Primary Care – Women’s Health (3 cr.; includes 60 practicum hours) This course provides an opportunity for participation in the management of common acute (or episodic) and chronic conditions, which promote the health of women through advanced practice interventions. This course includes 60 practice hours. Pre-requisites NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 542, and NURS 538.
NURS 546: Primary Care – Pediatrics and Family (4 cr.; includes 120 practicum hours) This course provides an opportunity for participation in the management of common acute (or episodic) and chronic conditions, which promote the health of children and families through advanced practice interventions.  This course includes 120 practice hours.  Pre-requisites NURS 545, NURS 549, and NURS 551.
NURS 549: Primary Care – Gerontology (2cr; includes 60 practicum hours) This course provides an opportunity for participation in the management of common acute (or episodic) and chronic conditions, which promote the health of older adults through advanced practice interventions. This course includes 60 practice hours. Pre-requisites NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 542, and NURS 538.
NURS 550: Role Transition (2 cr.) This course focuses on promoting role development and role satisfaction of the advanced practice nurse. Emphasis is placed on role adjustment, the advance practice nurse’s role in primary care, regulatory regulations, and marketing skills. Pre-requisites NURS 540, NURS 541, and NURS 538. Co-requisite NURS 542.
NURS 551: Primary Care – Adult I (4 cr.; includes 120 practicum hours) This course provides an opportunity for participation in the management of common acute (or episodic) and chronic conditions, which promote the health of adults through advances practice interventions. This course includes 120 practice hours. Pre-requisites NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 542, and NURS 538.
NURS 552: Primary Care – Adult II (4 cr.; includes 180 practicum hours) This course provides an opportunity for participation in the management of common acute (or episodic) and chronic conditions, which promote the health of adults through advanced practice interventions. This course includes 120 practice hours. Pre-requisites NURS 545, NURS 549, and NURS 551.
NURS 560: Health Behaviors Leading to Disparities in Vulnerable Populations (2 cr.) This course focuses on an in-depth analysis of the theoretical and research literature that supports health behavior change in vulnerable populations.  Students will have the opportunity to critically evaluate theories/models applicable to health behavior and to complete an intensive analysis of a health behavior relevant to their area of research.  Pre-requisites NURS 551 and NURS 552.
NURS 561: Vulnerable Populations Clinical (1 cr.; includes 60 practicum hours) This course offers the practical application of the theoretical and research literature to support health behavior change in vulnerable populations. Students will have the opportunity to critically evaluate and implement theories and models applicable to health behavior relevant to the clinical practice hours. Students complete 60 hours of practicum experience for this course.
NURS 600: Transition to Doctoral Practice (1-9 cr.) This pre-requisite course is intended for post-masters in nursing students requiring additional precepted clinical practicum hours, to reach a total of 540 hours prior to full admission into the DNP program. The number of credits the student needs to complete will depend on the number of clinical/practicum hours completed and negotiated between the program track coordinator and student.
NURS 612: Translating Research into Practice I (3 cr.) This course focuses on advanced applications of evidence-based practice. The course emphasizes foundational and advanced concepts of evidence-based practice and requires application of principals of EBP, thorough literature searches, appraisals of literature and development of draft project proposal. Pre-requisites: completion of all 500 level courses.
NURS 614: Translating Research into Practice II (3 cr.) Synthesis of knowledge regarding implementation models and strategies used for translating evidence into practice is the focus of this course. Students explore organizational aspects of change influencing innovation, quality improvement, and program evaluation. Developing and preparing to implement and evaluate a translational science project is a component of the course. Pre-requisites NURS 612.
NURS 618: Healthcare Systems Quality and Improvement (3 cr.) This course provides an application of measurement, data management, and statistical analysis principles to quality improvement and patient safety challenges. The focus is on the importance and design of effective measures, the selection of appropriate analysis tools, and their application to quality and safety improvement challenges in healthcare. Pre-requisites NURS 612 and NURS 626; Co-requisites NURS 614.
NURS 619: Bioethics (3 cr.) Using predominantly a case study approach, this course explores ethical issues surrounding the provision of healthcare services; including, end-of-life issues, informed consent, patient autonomy and the refusal of care, resuscitative issues, reproductive choices and technologies, genetic/genomic testing, privacy and confidentiality and population health issues.
NURS 621: Strategic Management Leadership (3 cr.) This course focuses on the analysis and evaluation of theories of both leadership and strategic management. Course content covers a broad array of leadership issues such as leadership theory, systems thinking, structure and management of complex systems, and management of financial and human resources. Pre-requisites NURS 614, NURS 618, and NURS 619.
NURS 622: Emerging Diseases and Population Health (3 cr.) This course focuses on integration and synthesis of clinical prevention and population health for individuals and populations utilizing advanced nursing practice strategies for the promotion of health and prevention of disease across the life span. Pre-requisites NURS 614, NURS 618, and NURS 619.
NURS 626: Statistical Inferences for Evidence-based Practice (3 cr.) This course provides the student an opportunity to perform statistical analysis appropriate for use in evidence-based practice. Pre-requisites: All 500 level courses; Co-requisite NURS 612.
NURS 631: DNP Project (PR-progression requirement; minimum of 4 credits or until course is completed) This course provides the student with an opportunity to investigate a clinical problem of relevance to the student’s practice setting. Students work under the direction of a faculty committee to prepare a written and oral report of their findings. Co-requisite: Permission of Instructor.
NURS 632: DNP Practicum (6 cr.; may be split into up to 3 semesters, 360 practicum hours) The course provides the opportunity for the student to have a mentored experience, under faculty supervision, where the DNP competencies can be explored and mastered in an area of the student’s choice. Co-requisite: Permission of Instructor.

Pre and Co-Requisite Courses for the DNP Curriculum

Course # Pre-Requisite Co-Requisite
NURS 510
NURS 512
NURS 513 NURS 512
NURS 518 NURS 510, NURS 512, NURS 513
NURS 538 NURS 540 NURS 541
NURS 539 NURS 545, NURS 547, NURS 549
NURS 540 NURS 510 NURS 540
NURS 541 NURS 540 NURS 540
NURS 542 NURS 541 NURS 541
NURS 545 NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 542, AND NURS 538
NURs 546 NURS 545, NURS 549, NURS 551
NURS 549 NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 542. NURS 538
NURS 550 NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 538 NURS 542
NURS 551 NURS 540, NURS 541, NURS 542, NURS 538
NURS 552 NURS 545, NURS 549, NURS 551
NURS 560 NURS 551, NURS 552
NURS 561
NURS 600
NURS 612 Completion of all 500 level courses.
NURS 614 NURS 612
NURS 618 NURS 612, NURS 626 NURS 614
NURS 619
NURS 621 NURS 614, NURS 618, NURS 619
NURS 622 NURS 614, NURS 618, NURS 619
NURS 626 Completion of all 500 level courses NURS 612
NURS 631 Permission of Instructor
NURS 632 Permission of Instructor

Click here for a plan of study and curriculum schedule.