Shepherd University will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
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Every semester, each new class of first-year students goes through an Orientation Program the week before classes begin.  At the start of Orientation, a formal ceremony marking your official entrance into the university occurs.  This ceremony is called Convocation.  Convocation signifies the beginning of a student’s educational journey and by which they become members of the Shepherd University community of scholars. 

A Word on Academic Integrity

As a member of this scholastic community, there are many benefits and also responsibilities – one of which is academic integrity.  The Student Handbook contains a description of academic integrity and what is expected of all students at Shepherd University.      
“Academic honesty is expected among all Shepherd University students and members of the Shepherd community.  By submitting academic work, students warrant that the work is their own and that unauthorized materials or resources were not used.  Plagiarism, fraud, unauthorized use of resources—cheating in all its forms is not tolerated.  All members of the Shepherd community are responsible for maintaining their own academic integrity and for reporting suspected academic dishonesty.”   Shepherd University Student Code of Conduct.
Academic honesty is at the core of being a scholar.  As students move through their educational journey at Shepherd, this is one truth that will never leave them and will follow them into their professional and everyday lives.