West Virginia Survey of Graduating Seniors
What is the West Virginia Survey of Graduating Seniors?
The West Virginia Survey of Graduating Seniors was a survey created by the state of West Virginia in 1996, to collect feedback from graduating seniors regarding their experiences while pursuing their baccalaureate degrees. The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WV-HEPC) stopped collecting these data as of Spring 2001; however, as selected items continue to be useful for assessment purposes, Shepherd continues to administer the survey.
Who can respond to the survey? How do I respond to the survey?
The survey is limited to graduating seniors who are about to complete their degrees. It is administered via Sakai (soon to be Brightspace), in the weeks before graduation.
Is my response anonymous?
Yes. Since you don’t have to provide information on your identity to respond to the survey, your identity remains confidential.
Why should I respond to the survey?
Your response will provide us with valuable information about your Shepherd experience – what you learned, the skills you acquired, your satisfaction with Shepherd, and the quality of your advising.
How is the resulting information used?
The information is collected, aggregated, and reported on the Institutional Research website data page. Various offices at Shepherd can use the results to evaluate and improve the Shepherd experience for future students.