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Memo Distribution

All inter-campus mailings must indicate sender. Count the number of copies needed for each area, bundle and address the routing slip accordingly.

Copies Needed Routing Slip to Read:

2 Academic Affairs
12** Academic Support
5 Accounts Payable
12 Admissions
13 Administration and Finance
8 Alumni/Advancement
2 Assessment
1 Assistant Athletic Dir
7 Bookstore
57** Business Administration
48** Butcher Center
6 Career Center
27** Ctr for Contemporary Arts
4 Ctr for Teaching & Learning
4 Civil War Center
2 Counseling
55 Dining Hall
16** Education
46** English
2 Enrollment Management
60 Facilities Management
7 Financial Aid
5 Foundation
44** Frank Center
2 Graduate Studies
6 Health Services
2 Honors Program
6 Human Resources
6* Ikenberry
1 Institutional Research
10 IT/User Support
2 Legislative Studies (CLS)
18 Library
3 Media Services
7 Multicultural/Comm Serv
30** Natural Sciences & Math
12** Nursing
7 President’s Ofc
2 Rambler
8 Registrar
12 Residence Life
3 Service Center/Postal Services
25** Social Science
6 Student Affairs
28 Student Center
1 Telecommunications
4 University Communications
18 University Police
7 Wellness Center
1 WV Public Broadcasting
673 Total
** Distribution to Faculty and Administrative Assistants only.