ISSUED: 4 October 2019
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Shepherd University’s George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War is kicking off its annual Civil War and American Society Seminar with a lecture by Dennis Frye and Catherine Oliver at the Bavarian Inn’s Terrace Room at 4 p.m. on Thursday, October 10. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, is titled “Confluence: Harpers Ferry as Destiny” and will include a book sale and discussion after the formal presentation.
Four scholarship winners will participate in this year’s seminar. Caroline Curry, Edgewater, Maryland, a Shepherd Civil War Semester participant who was a National Park Service Pathways Intern at Fort Matanzas National Monument, received a Dennis E. Frye Scholarship; Christian Webb, Winchester, Virginia, a Shepherd history major who has interned in maintenance/natural resources at Monocacy National Battlefield, received the C. Stuart McGehee Memorial Scholarship; Rachael Nicholas, Morgantown, a Ph.D. student at West Virginia University who works every summer at Gettysburg National Military Park as a park ranger in the interpretation division, received the Dennis E. Frye Visiting Scholar of Civil War Studies Scholarship; and Phil Caskey, a social studies teacher at Westwood Middle School in Morgantown, received the John W. Schildt Scholarship.
The annual seminar will take place October 10-13 and will include tours of Monocacy National Battlefield, the site of Fort Duncan, the Civil War Defenses of Washington, and Cool Spring Battlefield.
For more information, contact the Civil War center at 304-876-5429 or
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