ISSUED: 23 October 2013
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Dr. Stacey Kendig, assistant professor and chair of the health, physical education, and recreation department at Shepherd University, will present her talk “Administrator and Faculty Perceptions of Incivility in the Workplace: A Higher Education Study,” as part of Shepherd’s faculty research forum Wednesday, October 30 at noon in the Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies auditorium.
The study was designed to examine administrator and faculty members’ perceptions of uncivil workplace behaviors and organizational culture, as well as the relationship between incivility and organizational culture. Sample respondents included 34 administrators and 151 faculty members from three similar public four-year institutions. Results indicate that perceptions of incivility and organizational culture between administrators and faculty members are not different. This study can serve as a contribution to the professional development efforts of the administrators and faculty members in higher education.
At Shepherd, Kendig has taught as an adjunct faculty member and full-time visiting faculty member and has also been a student advisor.
The Faculty Research Forum is a monthly lecture series implemented by the faculty and designed to highlight the current scholarship of Shepherd University faculty members. Presentations are drawn from across the campus community and are presented free of charge to faculty, staff, students, and members of the community. The purposes of the Faculty Research Forum are to bring together committed scholars from all disciplines, to highlight the scholarly accomplishments of Shepherd University faculty, to encourage collaborative relationships both within and across academic disciplines, and to contribute to the spirit of research and inquiry that defines what it means to be an institution of higher education.
For more information, go to
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