ISSUED: 10 April 2018
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV, — Early registration is open for the Shepherd University Department of Music’s 2018 Trombone Workshop to be held on Sunday, June 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Frank Center. The workshop is open to students in middle through graduate school and anyone wishing to audit the classes. A discounted early registration is due by April 30 at a cost of $65 to participate and $35 to audit. After April 30, the cost will rise to $90 to participate and $50 to audit.
Any person from the community interested in trombone playing or teaching can register as an auditor. Auditors are free to roam about and observe all sessions in the college, high school, and middle school divisions of the workshop.
The college division of the workshop is open to undergraduate and graduate trombonists. The featured artists are Christopher Reaves and Kaz Kruszewski. Both are members of military ensembles in Washington, D.C., who have worked with top symphony orchestras around the country. They and college division faculty will lead a full day of tenor and bass trombone basics, master classes, and a faculty recital. Participants will rehearse and perform in a trombone choir.
College division participants are all required to audition for placement in the trombone choirs. The college applicant with the highest-scoring audition recording will be invited to play in the faculty recital and will be announced as the winner of the 2018 Shepherd Trombone Workshop Competition.
The high school division is open to trombonists entering grades 9 through 12. The featured artists are James Martin and Corey Sansolo, who regularly work with area orchestras like National Philharmonic, Maryland Symphony, and the American Pops Orchestra and have taught extensively throughout the Washington, D.C., area. They will lead a full day of trombone choir, tenor and bass trombone basics, master classes, and a faculty recital. Participants will also rehearse and perform in a trombone choir.
The middle school division, in which participants can expect to improve their technique, musicianship, and practice strategies, is open to trombonists entering grades 6 through 8. Dr. Kris Danielsen and brass composer Frank Gulino are the featured artists. Danielsen is a freelance trombonist and educator throughout greater New England. He is currently the bass trombonist of the The Valley Winds, a prize-winning wind ensemble based in Western Massachusetts. Gulino has appeared with the Loudoun Symphony Orchestra, Prince George’s Philharmonic, Capital Wind Symphony, and Maryland Choral Society.
Visit for more information and to download a registration form. For questions, contact James Martin at
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