ISSUED: 5 September 2024
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — The Robert C. Byrd Center for Congressional History and Education welcomed guests on September 5 to dedicate a plaque acknowledging U.S. Senator Joe Manchin’s service to Shepherd University.
Senator Manchin greeted members of the Shepherd community ahead of the ceremony where Shepherd University President Dr. Mary J.C. Hendrix spoke, thanking the Senator for always being available for Shepherd.
“One of the things I appreciate most about working with Senator Manchin is that no matter what was going on, I could pick up the phone or text, and he always responded and was willing to listen,” said President Hendrix.
Hendrix touted Senator Manchin’s career as a public servant for more than 40 years. She said he played an integral role in securing funding for the University during that time.
“[That funding] has gone to projects like the development of the east campus and c and network architecture upgrades, to resources for students and businesses like our Agricultural Innovation Center,” she explained.
Manchin thanked Hendrix and the University for the honor and said he has worked closely with U.S. Senator Shelly Moore Capito to move West Virginia forward.
“Shelly [Capito] and I work well together,” Manchin said. “When something is needed in our state, we’ll get our teams together and we’ll work together.”
The bronze plaque will be installed in the Byrd Center at a later date.
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