SSTEM Activities and Events
Upcoming S-STEM Tutoring Sessions
- We are planning free tutoring sessions for local high schoolers (potentially advanced-level middle schoolers as well), in which our S-STEM scholars will provide tutoring services on Math, Computer Sciences and Engineering. Please sign up so we know you are interested. S-STEM Tutoring Registration Form.
S-STEM Club Meetings and Seminars
- Feb. 12, 2024, The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLs) at 2pm today@BY108. The presentation is run by:
Ms. Maggie Scully – Director, Partnership Development Office, FNLs
Ms. Victoria Brun – Partnership Project Manager, FNLs
Ms. Amanda Corbel, Partnership Alliance Manager, FNLs & proud Shepherd alumna
Ms. Mira Deni, High School Intern within the Partnership Development Office, FNLs.
The presenters have discussed summer intern opportunities in their facility. The slides for this presentation can be found at FNL-Summer-Training-2024_Shepherd.
Past S-STEM Club Meetings and Seminars
- On October 9, 2024, Dr. Adam Parks will visit Shepherd University and talk with our students about the Development of Therapeutic Biologics and Cell Therapies in Your Neighborhood. The talk is on SN 337.
- On October 18-19, a group of our S-STEM scholars participated in CCSC-Eastern Conference, had oral and poster presentations, and participated in the programming competition.