Shepherd University will open on a two-hour delay Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
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Activities and efforts of the Astrophysics Group at Shepherd have been supported by the following:


The Richard L. Stephan Observatory Endowment and Scholarship Fund stephan

Local Individuals & Organizations

Dr. Raymond Smock, Director, Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies
Dr. C.H. Mitch Jacques, Regional Dean, WVU Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center – Eastern Division
Rev. and Mrs. Stan and Judy Jones, Shepherdstown, WV
Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church, Shepherdstown, WV
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Judy Mays, Martinsburg, WV
Dr. and Mrs. Craig and Roy Winkel, Shepherdstown, WV


Indiana University
Indiana University’s Advanced Visualization Laboratory
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA WV Space Grant Consortium
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Project CLEA – Contemporary Laboratory Experiences in Astronomy
Shepherd University
Sun Microsystems Inc.
WV Governor’s Office of Technology
WV Science and Research