Award Acceptance and Sponsored-Program Management Process
Contact: Erin Hildreth, Post Award Specialist –
1. Review the Required Reading for SU PI/PDs, especially page four: “Award Management Milestones.”
2. Fully review the award documents including notification, contract and/or reporting requirements with the OSP.
3. The OSP is authorized to conduct negotiations and handle award contract signatures. The OSP always involves the principal investigator in this process. Under no circumstances should the PI sign an award contract without direction from the OSP or give the impression that they are negotiating on behalf of the University.
4. Plan to communicate with OSP regularly throughout the project period.
5. Work with the appropriate campus offices and/or admin assistants to spend funds according to institutional, foundation, state and federal regulations and policies. Comply with the WVHEPC Purchasing Procedures Manual for proper methods of purchasing products and services.
See SU Procurement for requisite forms including vendor agreements, travel authorization and reimbursement forms, requisition forms, and reeiving reports.
6. Track, monitor, and document all of your expenditures- refer to 2 CFR 200, Subpart E: Sections 2 CFR 200.420 – 2 CFR 200.475
for federal allowable and unallowable expenditures guidelines.
7. Ensure all reports are submitted to the funder and to OSP on time.
8. Certify your effort on grant funded projects at the end of each semester with a SU Effort Certification Form.
For more information on Effort Certification, review The Why, What, and How of Effort.
9. Reach out to the Grants Accountant with any questions about your Banner fund/org activity or balances.
10. Document, document, document! If it isn’t documented, it doesn’t exist!
Post- Award Resources:
- Grants Key Terms and Acronyms
- Federal Department Prior Approvals Matrix
- Data Management Plan (DMP) Funder Templates
- Uniform Guidance (CFR part 200)
- Federal Research Terms and Conditions – Agency Specific
- NSF – Proposals and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) as of Jan 1, 2023
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for Shepherd University’s Grants Community