Proposal Development and Application Process
Contact: Emily Samide, Director –
1. Review the Required Reading for SU PI/PDs.
2. Fully review the information about the grant provided in the Solicitation, Announcement, Application Instructions, FOA, NOFO, RFP, etc.
3. Complete the “Intent to Submit” form as soon as practical after deciding to apply – at least one month before the external deadline.
4. If applicable, complete a Cost Sharing Commitment form and secure the pertinent signatures.
5. Work with OSP to develop a strong proposal.
6. Submit complete proposal package to the Institutional Review Team for approval.
Due TWO WEEKS before external deadline.
7. Work with OSP to complete the application on or before the external deadline.
If you are a visual learner, see the following Pre Award and Submission Flow Chart .
Pre-Award Resources
- Grants Key Terms and Acronyms
- Shepherd University Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA)
- Grant Writing 101 – “It’s Not Rocket Surgery” (Virginia Commonwealth University)
- Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP) in Proposed Research – NSF
- Excellent Advice from NEEF (National Environmental Education Foundation)
- How to Apply for IRB Approval (for human subject research)
- How to Apply for IACUC Approval (for care and use of animals)
- Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Guidelines
- How to create Logic Models
- Indirects at a Glance
- Federal Allowable and Unallowable Cost Guidelines
- Budget Development Resources
- How to Create a SciENcv Biosketch for NSF/ NIH
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for Shepherd University’s Grants Community