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The Society for Creative Writing brings national and international writers together with community members in Shepherdstown and students at Shepherd University to build a wide-ranging network of writers, encourage literary dialogue in the community, and expose students to professionals in the writing field.

Our events include readings, workshops, classroom visits, and a three-day literary festival in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The Society for Creative Writing works with student interns from Shepherd University and University of Virginia interested in careers in writing, editing, and publishing.

Past visiting writers have included poet laureates, recipients of the Guggenheim fellowship, and Pushcart Prize winners. Our writers have been represented in Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, Pushcart Prize Anthology, and The Norton Book of Nature Writing, among others. Their books have been chosen as “Editor’s Choice” The New York Times Book Review, “Best 5 Poetry Books of the Year” by National Public Radio.

The Society of Creative Writing is partnering with the Shepherd University Foundation and the English and Modern Languages program at Shepherd University.