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Department of Social and Applied Behavioral Sciences

About Us

The Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Justice programs at Shepherd University have a long and rich tradition of preparing students for employment in academic, governmental, non-profit, and law-enforcement organizations. The program is made up of four full-time faculty who are dedicated to undergraduate teaching excellence and preparing students for success in careers and personal endeavors. Our diverse, experienced adjunct faculty also support the department’s majors, concentrations, and minors.  We offer two majors (both with two concentrations), as well as three minors.

B.A. in Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement and Administration

B.S. in Sociology
Culture and Society

Interested in one of our degrees? Click here to apply!
Complete information about our degree programs, as well as information about careers, can be found in the SCCJ Reference Guide.

Looking for the Criminal Justice Lecture Series?

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Upcoming  Criminal Justice Lecture Series Speaker
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 | 1:10-2 p.m. (On Zoom- Click the Yellow Box Above)

Centering Impacted Families in Transforming the Criminal Legal System

Emily Cole, MPA, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Ohio Families Unite for Political Action and Change

Abstract: Police brutality is pervasive in communities across the United States, particularly communities of color and low to middle income communities. When building transformative justice systems, the voices of those directly impacted must drive the conversation, or oppression will never be dismantled. There is no amount of justice that will make up for the loss of life for families who are victims of police brutality or the criminal legal system. We must do our part as a society to hold their trauma, amplify their experiences and demands, and build communities where we are all fully-resourced to thrive.

Bio: Emily Cole, MPA is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Ohio Families Unite for Political Action and Change, and the Political Director for sister organization Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality. Originally from Northern Virginia, Ms. Cole is a 2012 graduate of Shepherd University where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Economics and Bachelor of Science in Political Science. After graduation Ms. Cole moved to Columbus Ohio where she attended The Ohio State University John Glenn College of Public Affairs, earning her Master in Public Administration.

Ms. Cole has over a decade’s worth of experience cultivating cross-disciplinary groups connecting organizations to drive effective research, advocacy, and change. She built the largest coalition Ohio had seen to date to drive effective Medicaid expansion in Ohio in 2013  – the now closed Ohio Network for Healthcare Enrollment, a collaborative consisting of over 250 community organizations and partners across Ohio once Medicaid expansion was announced.

The Department of Social and Applied Behavioral Sciences is part of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS).