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Division of Communications and Marketing Home

Welcome to Shepherd’s Division of Communications and Marketing! Each week, we showcase the initiatives, news, and events that make Shepherd unique. If you’d like to receive these weekly messages, please subscribe online.

Please fill out our project request form if you need help with a project.

Request form

We offer a variety of campus services including:

  • Graphic and publication design
  • Media relations and news releases
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Branding
  • Editorial
  • Web design
  • Social media
  • Surveys
  • Analytics

Basic information:

All media requests must be made through the Division of Communications and Marketing. However, we recognize that media members might reach out to you directly. In that case, please notify us so we’re aware. 

All news releases are required to be sent out by the Division of Communications and Marketing, as well as requests for media coverage.  For releases, media coverage, calendar requests, webpage changes, and other requests, please fill our online work order form and include all pertinent information. You will receive a confirmation email when the form is submitted with a link to upload more documents if needed. Save that message and reply all to it for further communication. We request a minimum of two weeks (10 working days) to send out a news release. Some media outlets require more time for events.

Requirements for a submitted news release

All public-facing promotional material must be reviewed by the Division of Communications and Marketing. To request a review, fill out our online work order form and upload your file(s). If you don’t have time to create your own promotional material, we will be happy to do it for you. Please fill the form out and upload all the information/artwork you would like to have included. You will receive a confirmation email when the form is submitted with a link to upload more documents if needed. Save that message and reply all to it for further communication. To design pieces, we ask for a minimum of 10 business days to complete the first draft. 

Requirements for creating your own poster