How to Apply for TRIO/SSS
How Do Students Qualify For TRIO/SSS?
Per regulations set by the U.S. Department of Education, the TRIO/SSS program serves students who qualify in one of these three ways:
- First-generation college students (neither parent has earned a bachelor’s degree)
- Income-eligible (based on family’s taxable income and family size)
- Have a documented disability
TRIO Application Process
- Complete the application for Shepherd TRIO/SSS. Applications can be found in the TRIO/SSS office or downloaded here: TRiO-Application-fillable.
- Provide a copy of the most recent federal income tax return of applicants and parent(s).
- Completed applications will be evaluated by the Director of TRIO Programs to determine eligibility and admission. Admission into the program is NOT automatic, but once you are accepted into the program you will receive information about your TRIO/SSS Academic Retention Specialist.
- BE ACTIVE in TRIO and your education. You will only get out of your education…what you put into it.
How to Submit Your Application
By e-mail:
E-mail to Tajmarie Rowe at
By mail:
Shepherd University TRIO Student Support Services
Evora Baker – Director of TRIO Programs
P.O. Box 5000
Shepherdstown, WV 25443-5000
In person:
Lower level of Scarborough Library, Room 152 (follow signs for TRIO)
301 N. King Street Shepherdstown, WV 25443
By Fax:
304-876-5775 (please call ahead before faxing).
For Questions or Assistance:
Please contact the main TRIO office at 304-876-5786.